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    En LH Mosaic, nos especializamos en la fabricación artesanal de baldosas hidráulicas y azulejos. Ofrecemos más de 1, 200 diseños únicos que abarcan desde estilos clásicos hasta contemporáneos, todos hechos a mano con la máxima calidad. Nuestra Pasión por la Artesanía Cada baldosa de LH Mosaic es el resultado de un proceso artesanal meticuloso, que incluye la mezcla de materias primas certificadas, pigmentación, fabricación, fraguado, secado y un riguroso control de calidad. Nuestros Productos Baldosas Hidráulicas y Mosaicos: Con más de 1, 400 modelos y 72 colores, nuestras baldosas incluyen desde patrones clásicos hasta diseños modernos. Patchworks, Zócalos y Azulejos: También ofrecemos patchworks, zócalos, y azulejos de terracota, zellige y piedra natural, ideales para cualquier espacio. Calidad y Personalización Cada pieza es hecha a mano con materias primas certificadas. Personalizamos diseños para satisfacer tus necesidades específicas, garantizando calidad a precios competitivos. Historia y Compromiso Combinamos tradición e innovación en cada baldosa, asegurando durabilidad y belleza. Nuestro proceso artesanal y sostenible minimiza el impacto ambiental. Contacto Visita nuestra sala de exposición o navega por nuestro catálogo en línea. Nuestro equipo de atención al cliente está disponible para guiarte en cada paso del proceso. LH Mosaic: Donde la tradición se encuentra con la innovación.



    Industrias Lotu is dedicated to the manufacture and marketing of fasteners and fixing elements, (anchors, anchors, accessories for plasterboard, etc.). It has 2 business units, the Industrial focused on the industrial sectors, automotive at Tier 2 level, electronics, household appliance Ind, plastic or any sector that requires screws, are manufactured specifically and under the customer's drawing, ie parts that only a customer buys, we are certified in the automotive IATF 16949 standard. On the other hand, the Distribution sector, where you can find hardware stores, Industrial Sum. This is the sector for which this project is aimed, it is a totally different product to the industrial one, it is more generic and standard, part of this product is marketed by duly certified Asian and European suppliers, it is a more fragmented sector in terms of customers, but at the same time more competitive in terms of prices.



    Cirkuz Land is more than just one of the bars in Barcelona, but this is a place for relaxation away from the hustle and bustle of the everyday city. Immerse yourself in a pleasant and cozy, almost home-like atmosphere of our Lounge & Cocktail Bar in Barcelona most trendy area of El Born District. Try delicious gastronomic tapas with beautifully served dishes from the chef of our Gastropub. Refreshing Author Cocktails, Happy hours, caring staff and a rich evening program, Lounge and Life Music, Concerts and Stand up Comedy.We have no compromise but to become one of the best bars in Barcelona. And hey! We also turn into Sports Bar during major events. With us you can be sure that you will enjoy yourself! If you are looking for the recommendations where to eat tapas in Barcelona, take a look at our excellent reviews in Tripadvisor, then come and prove how damn right they are. Cirkuz Land - Lounge & Cocktail Bar Barcelona is located in the center of Barcelona in El Born area near metros Arc de Triomf, Jaume 1, Barceloneta, Placa Urquinaona, Bogatell, Llacuna. In between Gothic quarter and Poblenou. Near such prominent locations as Parc de la Ciutadella, Born Cultural Center, Estacion de Francia, Basilica de santa Maria del Mar, Via Laietana and Gothic quarter.

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    Países Bajos

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    Le damos la bienvenida a Schmitz Foam, su socio de confianza en espuma desde 1935. Con una dilatada historia de innovación y experiencia, estamos especializados en la producción de espuma para diversas aplicaciones. Nuestra RoFoam®, una espuma XPE (químicamente reticulada) ligera, flexible e increíblemente duradera, se diseñó para quienes exigen lo mejor. De producción propia, la espuma en rollo se puede adaptar a sus necesidades específicas en cuanto a grosor, longitud, anchura, densidad y color. Vamos más allá del suministro de espuma XPE de alta calidad. Ofrecemos un concepto único de servicio completo: le entregamos la espuma que necesita y recuperamos los materiales sobrantes para un reciclaje responsable. En Schitz Foam, la sostenibilidad está en el centro de nuestras operaciones. Nuestros esfuerzos de reciclaje pretenden minimizar el impacto medioambiental. Para ello, reutilizamos los residuos de espuma XPE en nuevos productos de espuma de alta calidad que pueden reciclarse de nuevo al final de su ciclo de vida. Este sistema de circuito cerrado no solo reduce los residuos, sino que también promueve la economía circular. Con casi un siglo de experiencia en la manipulación de espuma, Schmitz Foam es líder en el sector y suministra constantemente productos de alta calidad y soluciones innovadoras.



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    El Grupo Welte es una empresa líder en los segmentos de los ejes articulados, técnicas para fluidos y cimbreo de tubos con varias sedes en Alemania y Europa. Gestores: Ingenieros Alfred Welte y Egon Welte jun. Año de fundación: 1921, empleados: aprox. 400, 12 sedes en 5 países. Servicio express antes de 24 horas. Nuestro lema es "Siempre hay una solución". Nuestras gamas de productos: • ejes articulados/cardán • cimbreo de tubos • hidráulica • técnica de mangueras • uniones • filtros • radiadores • técnica del automóvil • sistemas de elevación • frenos por corrientes de Foucault. Nuestros productos y servicios: Ejes articulados/cardán (reparación) Reparación de bombas hidráulicas, componentes hidráulicos, reparación de ejes de transmisión para automóviles, grupos hidráulicos de corriente continua, mangueras de cloropreno, ejes de transmisión para la construcción de máquinas, diseño de grupos hidráulicos, tuberías de tubo y manguera, uniones hidráulicas, servicio de aceite hidráulico, mangueras de PTFE(PFA)



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    Belrey Fibres SA es una empresa textil familiar con maquinaria de última generación y con sede en Mouscron, Bélgica. Nuestras fibras recicladas de polipropileno, poliéster y nailon se emplean para multitud de usos como material no tejido en distintas industrias: de la automoción, geotextiles, alcantarillado, aislamientos, compuestos e hilados. Otro uso para darle una nueva vida es el regranulado y los materiales compuestos, que transforman los residuos textiles termoplásticos en granulados para fabricar piezas de plástico. La sostenibilidad ocupa el epicentro de la estrategia de Belrey Fibres. Para afrontar los retos medioambientales, hemos diseñado una organización innovadora con un equipo unido por la pasión por el reciclaje. Como alternativa "más ecológica" y de menor coste a los materiales vírgenes, las fibras sintéticas recicladas sirven como material secundario para los tejidos no tejidos. Gracias a nuestra maquinaria a medida para la transformación y mezcla de los materiales, producimos fibras limpias y homogéneas. Somos una de las empresas líderes del mercado global, tenemos acceso a fibras por todo el mundo. Al colaborar conjuntamente con nuestros proveedores, les ayudamos a dar una nueva vida a residuos textiles que de otro modo acabarían en el vertedero, ahorrando así en costes de gestión de residuos. La recuperación de materiales de residuos como fuente secundaria de recursos ayuda a reducir el consumo de materias primas. Intentamos comprender el objetivo de nuestros clientes para ayudarles a desarrollar la solución a medida más adecuada.



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    SOGA Spaces es líder en innovación en mobiliario de oficina, transformando los espacios de trabajo con diseños funcionales, ergonómicos y estilosos. La gama de productos abarca puestos de trabajo modulares, sillas ergonómicas, sistemas de almacenaje y accesorios para oficinas, con diseños modernos y duraderos. Gama de productos •escritorios de oficina: desde despachos para ejecutivos a puestos de trabajo modulares que ahorran espacio. •Taquillas: sistemas de almacenamiento estilosos y seguros. •Paneles divisores para oficinas: proporcione la privacidad necesaria en el open space. •Paneles acústicos: reducen el ruido aportando un toque decorativo. •Mobiliario modulable: sistemas ajustables en función de las necesidades cambiantes de las oficinas. •Despachos para jefes: muebles de alta gama para despachos de ejecutivos. •Sillones y sofás: muebles confortables para salas de espera, salas de reuniones y recepciones. •Sillas de oficina: sillas ergonómicas para mantener una postura natural y favorecer la productividad. •Accesorios para oficinas: desde organizadores para mesas de escritorio hasta sistemas de iluminación, aportando funcionalidad y estilo. Somos plenamente conscientes del impacto del diseño de una oficina en la productividad y el bienestar. Nuestros diseños usan la psicología del color, reducen los ruidos y aprovechan elementos naturales como la luz o las plantas para reducir el estrés y favorecer la creatividad. Nuestros muebles personalizados permiten adaptarlos a las necesidades específicas. Empleamos materiales respetuosos con el medio ambiente para fabricar muebles duraderos y resistentes. Descubra cómo podemos mejorar su oficina con muebles versátiles y estilosos. Contáctenos ya mismo para diseñar un ambiente de trabajo productivo y sostenible.


    Países Bajos

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    Semecs, miembro del Grupo SERO, está especializada en el montaje de placas de circuitos impresos, de 5.000 a 500.000 piezas. Nuestros productos van destinados principalmente a los mercados de la automoción, la medicina y la industria. Con sede en los Países Bajos, nuestra empresa cuenta con una planta de producción en Eslovaquia y con filiales en Alemania y Dinamarca, lo que nos permite atender a nuestros clientes en toda Europa. Disponemos de las certificaciones ISO 9001, ISO 14001 e ISO 45001. Contamos con la certificación para el montaje de placas de circuitos impresos en el mercado de la automoción (IATF 16949), así como en el sector médico (ISO 13485). Recientemente, hemos sido recompensados con la certificación ISO 27001. Nos esforzamos por mantener los más altos estándares de calidad y realizamos todas las pruebas necesarias. Prestamos una amplia gama de servicios, que incluyen el diseño, la fabricación y la distribución de productos. Ofrecemos un servicio posventa completo para garantizar la satisfacción de nuestros clientes, lo que nos ayuda a mejorar constantemente. Semecs es su socio para un montaje de placas de circuitos impresos excepcional.



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    MACFAB Systems Ltd ubicada en Co. Monaghan, Irlanda, se dedica a la fabricación de equipos compactadores de residuos y basuras, como embaladoras verticales y equipos de hormigón pretensado para la industria del hormigón prefabricado. Nuestra gama abarca embaladoras verticales, trituradoras de tambor, compactadoras de bolsas, trituradoras de vidrio, compactadores de papeleras pequeñas y una amplia gama de opciones personalizables; vendemos nuestros productos a 35 países por todo el mundo. Los aparatos se emplean en sectores industriales muy variados y aportan los beneficios descritos a continuación. * Reducen la carga de residuos según el material. * Reducen la huella de carbono de la industria y aumentan su capacidad de reciclaje. * Promueven un lugar de trabajo ordenado reduciendo el tamaño de los residuos en los depósitos. La gama de equipos de hormigón pretensado se emplea en la industria de la construcción para distintos tipos de hormigón pretensado: suelos de bloques y vigas en T, dinteles de hormigón pretensado, baldosas de homigón pretensado para paredes y pilas de hormigón pretensado. Suministramos los equipos a fabricantes de homigón pretensado de todo el mundo.



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    En Monarch Cork & Textile, redefinimos la moda con sostenibilidad. Nuestra misión es promover estilos de vida respetuosos con el medio ambiente a través de una gama de productos ecológicos. Nuestra empresa tiene su sede en Turquía. Colecciones de bolsos: Bolsos de algodón: Intemporales y respetuosos con el medio ambiente, perfectos para el uso diario. Bolsos de yute: El encanto rústico se encuentra con la sostenibilidad en estos bolsos de fibras naturales. Bolsos de lino: Elegantes, transpirables y versátiles para diversas ocasiones. Bolsos de lienzo: Duraderos y personalizables para combinar con tu estilo. Rpet: Fabricados a partir de botellas de plástico reciclado. Bolsos no tejidos: Económicos y respetuosos con el medio ambiente para las necesidades diarias. Bolsos tejidos: Bolsos ecochic fabricados con materiales naturales para un toque rústico. Bolsos de corcho y accesorios: Producimos una variedad de bolsos de corcho con cuero de corcho natural y orgánico obtenido de alcornoques. 100 % auténticos. Personalización: Personaliza tu bolso con diseños únicos, logotipos o marca, haciendo una declaración elegante y sostenible. Capacidad de producción: Según tu diseño y dimensiones, podemos respaldar una alta capacidad de producción. Certificaciones: Miembro de SEDEX, OEKO-TEX, GOTS y GRS. Contacto: info@monarchcork.com / www.monarchcork.com



    La empresa EURO EXPORT PROJECTS, es una Distribuidor, que desarrolla su actividad en el sector Muebles de cocina. También está presente en los sectores Escaleras de mármol, revestimiento de gres porcelanico, Escaleras de mármol, y Losas de mármol. Tiene su sede en Almoradi, España.



    La empresa ONE MORE INTERNATIONAL, es una Agente/ Representante, que desarrolla su actividad en el sector Belleza y estética - instrumentos. Tiene su sede en Istanbul, Turquía.



    With more than half a century of history, located in La-Mancha region in the Iberian Peninsula, Quesos Rocinante is one of the leading cheese producers in Spain. For each type of milk, we offer a wide range of cheeses with different ages: from soft to reserva sheep’s milk cheese, or with a rind coated with rosemary; pure goat’s milk cheese with rosemary or soaked in red wine, and different varieties of Iberico cheese, the most popular cheese in Spain: semi-cured, cured, or cured in extra virgin olive oil. Furthermore, we also offer a range of different packaging options for catering and self-service. With the combination of the latest technology and the tradition and know-how of our professionals, we’re able to optimize our dairy supply and production processes. We take great care in maturing all our cheeses in a natural cellar and apply strict quality controls at all times to obtain an outstanding product.



    The Pomometal company led by Dimitri Gavala established in the plumbing industry hardware, as it is one of the leading manufacturers and supplier companies in the industry. The company has created an organized production unit in door knobs and handles, furniture knobs & handles, curtain rods and many metallic interior decoration accessories consisting of modern equipment, which can meet every need and preference. About ensure customer/partner, the Pomometal an organized network throughout Greece involving immediate delivery and consistency in time. Moreover it provides, in addition to excellent quality, reliable construction and high aesthetics and the smallest possible cost. Finally, the company under the best service service available, qualified hotline and orders for the immediate and correct your convenience, giving thereby more impetus to your business and partnerships.



    601 Audiovisual Productions was founded in 2002. With five other companies, it's one of the founders of NAPAR, Association of Audiovisual Producers and Professionals in Navarra, an entity which currently has more than 40 partners. 601 has participated in television projects in collaboration with other companies and professionals, working in the field of scientific dissemination. In this sector we can highlight spaces for the TVE program Redes, the production of the documentary series Ama Lurra for ETB or audiovisuals for nature interpretation centers. Also in the television field, 601 has collaborated for several years with ESPN and HBO in the production of San Fermín TV programs and in sporting events that the network has broadcast from Spain, and has produced a series of 56 cooking episodes, Rico y Sano, or the 6-episode series for RTVE Ockham's Razor (2019) Other recent works are the documentary "Ainarak" (2020) which had the participation of ETB, the Basque Government and the Government of Navarra through Generazinema, and the production of the serie "Ultreia, Camino a Santiago" (2021) and the serie about nature in Navarra "Reino Natura" (2021), both Navarra TV initiatives for the Promecal group, currently on Movistar TV and broadcast on several televisions.



    Ruigan is a livestock and live animal production and trading company with more than fifty year’s experience in our area. Based in Spain, we have made shipments for more than live animals to third-world countries such as Libya, Lebanon, Egypt, Algeria and Turkey. The brand “Ruigan” has consolidated its leading position in the area MENA (Middle East & North Africa) with a large export volume that make us to be one of the main exporters of live cattle and lambs. We have an extensive range of products (calves & lambs) produced to cover all your needs. Ruigan is recognized for providing a high quality products, for making direct shipments from our farms and for offering a large productive capacity. We make C&F Sales and we have availability of truck and vessels adapted to any need. You can visit us online: www.ruigan.net



    MDMS have concentrated on manufacturing and distributing high-grade instruments for dentistry. With years of experience in raw materials, development processing and the requirements for daily use in hospitals, clinics , practices and laboratories have made us one of the leading manufacturers of dental instruments. The MDMS family is incredibly proud of the reputation we have earned for uncompromising product quality, and we will continue to focus on delivering that same high quality experience across each and every interaction you have with our brand. Because beyond simply putting better-designed, more comfortable, longer-lasting and more powerful dental products in your hands, we are committed to investing in your total performance, which includes service, education, and community-building forums designed to foster connection and communication. Material, forging and hardening technologies are key parameters in the quality-orientated manufacture of medical , surgical, dental instruments. Add to this dexterous personnel with many years of experience and the use of the latest 3D softwares & CAD/CAM- controlled surface processing machines, and you have all you need for the optimum functionality of our instruments for on-going routine use in the surgery, clinic and laboratory.



    LEADERS IN THE RECOVERY OF DEBTS IN SPAIN SERVICOBRO, is one of the debt collection companies that generate more impact among the defaulters, thanks to the innovative approach in managing debts, and the most varied collection actions with debtors. European payment order and execution Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia, Zaragoza, Bilbao, Alicante, Sevilla, Málaga, Lérida, Tenerife, Murcia, Palma de Mallorca... Companies around the world trust us every day solving their unpaid thus obtaining a professional debt collection management and effective, which reinforces its an image of seriousness. And the best price, check it out! Everyday companies around the world, trust SERVICOBRO, for managing their unpaid debts in Spain. SUCCESS RATE 84%. UNPAID PROTECTION IN SPAIN What is PREVENTIA, and who can use it? Preventia is a service focused on preventing the non-payment invoices is aimed at companies that work in Spain. The success of Preventia lies in the communication to the possible debtor, that his invoice has been incorporated into our payment monitoring system. In this way, your client will be informed that the operation is controlled by Servicobro and that you have coverage against possible defaults, which will reduce the risk of default to the minimum.



    Our steam sterilizer works in continuous (FIFO).Steam treatment is accepted worldwide, being it clean, effective and harmless. Furthermore, the cost of processed product working with our equipment is around 3 cent Eur/Kg. It can process a wide range of food dehydrated products, powdered, crushed or whole, such as paprika, nuts, spices, herbs, seasonings, seeds… Our smallest equipment has a nominal production of 1 Ton/hour for products with a bulk density of 600 g/L Regarding the control system for our equipment, we provide cutting-edge technology thanks to that, we can check, resolve and make any adjustment on the equipment remotely, just as if we were at our customer’s facilities, so the distance is not an obstacle anymore. The first sterilizers installed by us more than 20 years ago are still working 24 hours/day. We have become one of the first suppliers of steam sterilization equipment, the quality of our sterilizer being recognized internationally. Our sterilization line can be composed of several items, which can be arranged in multiple configurations to be adapted for different spaces.



    AGME Automated Assembly Solutions is a manufacturer of ASSEMBLY EQUIPMENT: from single machines to fully automatic assembly lines as per the clients´ technical specifications. AGME designs and builds a wide range of products that include AUTOMATED ASSEMBLY MACHINES, special purpose machines, RIVETING MACHINES, servo presses and hydraulic presses. Aguirregomezcorta y Mendicute, S.A. (AGME) is family owned company with more than 60 years of EXPERIENCE in providing automatic or semi-automatic assembly equipment for the automotive components industry. AGME in house manufacturing capability ensures that they develop complete automation processes for components assembly: from the initial machine design and manufacturing, to the commissioning in the clients premises. They supply assembly machines that integrate many different technologies: automation, handling, radial riveting, orbital riveting, pressing, rolling over, flaring, clinching, crimping, punching, tube end forming, screwing, welding, control, testing, feeding, greasing, artificial vision, marking, and the latest technologies in the field of forming. All from ONE SINGLE SOURCE. AGME Automated Assembly Solutions is a leading supplier in Europe, Asia and America. Their machines are exported to more than 25 countries through a global sales and service network. Their customers are global and are involved in a variety of busine



    Vanto Machines More than 15 years experience Vanto Machines is a company specialized in the purchase and sale of used machinery with extensive experience with customers around the world. This ambitious business project has always stood out for technological innovation and adaptation to the needs of its customers. Our long experience plus our professional collaborators in the company, allows us to have a deep knowledge about the purchase and sale of used machines and offering a high quality service to our customers. Its beginnings are in Evermak, a company with more than 8 years of service and with the highest quality standard in the industrial sector. It is precisely with this idea, offering a service of the highest quality, with which the Vanto Machines project was born. 360º service Much more than a sale From Vanto we are clear about what it means to buy an industrial machine and all the headaches associated with this process. Therefore, one of our main assets is our 360º service or turnkey, because we take care of each and every one of the steps of the sales process so you do not have to worry about anything. If you want to know more, do not hesitate to visit our services page.

  4. DENIS


    We are establishing a new way of buying glasses that is in keeping with the times - one that combines the advantages of eCommerce with a range of services and advice from high street opticians. Greater choice and better, transparent prices in an easy, intuitive process. Put simply, with all the services our customers need. The way to buy eyewear today. At Mister Spex, product quality has top priority. In all our processes, from purchasing to dispatch, we therefore pay attention to ensuring due care, accuracy, quality craftsmanship and expert partners. The result is excellent quality at low prices. High quality frames from more than 150 brand names: We purchase original products only and obtain our frames from all the major manufacturers. We also produce our own high quality, attractively priced brand. Our online shop currently offers more than 11, 000 models of glasses and sunglasses from more than 150 brand names, including Ray-Ban, Boss Orange, Prada and Tom Ford. We have all frames in stock and they are therefore ready for immediate dispatch.



    Our Company dedicates from more than 50 years to the exploitation of quarries, elaboration and exportation of marble. Regarding to our materials, we produce all types of products: from blocks and slabs to standard and “cut to size”, and make many different finishes, in Crema Marfil, Rojo Alicante, Marrón Emperador, Marrón Imperial, Negro Marquina, Rosa Portugués, Bateig Limestone, Ambar Limestone…. We specially care for the required quality, if first, commercial or second, trying to send continuously the same one, shipment after shipment, in spite of the difficulty of Spanish materials.


    Reino Unido

    Are you looking for cost-effective, efficient and reliable Roller Shutter Repair Services in London? If YES is what you have answered then you are really right on being here. Give us a call today to get it repaired as needed without you having to spend more for the same.Emergency Shopfitters are your trusted and Specialist Roller Shutter Repairs in East London, UK.At emergency shopfitters, we clearly understand how important security to your home or business can be. A small flaw can’t just be ignored or overlooked. No matter how complex your problem is, we can offer the best solution. We offer shutter repair services, ensure that you continually get the level of security you are in need of.All our technicians have unparalleled expertise and experience in repairing all types of Roller Shutters in London.That is our forte! You give us a call and let us know more of your problems. One of our team members would assess your problems and will offer you a tentative quotation but the actual quote will be given prior to work at your location. We will arrive at your place well-equipped; will do the work more efficiently. You can expect our team of technicians to eliminate any shutter-based problem you may have or have been facing.Our work is backed by 100% guarantee. We will repair the roller shutters as needed.Looking forward to roller shutter maintenance services in London?



    Situada en Tarifa, Atlantic Kite School Tarifa es una escuela profesional de kitesurf formada por un equipo con más de diez años de experiencia en el sector. Ofrece cursos de kitesurf para todos los niveles, logrando con su método de enseñanza un aprendizaje eficaz, divertido y, sobre todo, seguro. Con diferentes opciones de cursos, se adaptan a cada cliente para satisfacer de la mejor forma las necesidades de cada uno de ellos: cursos en grupo, semiprivados, privados, supervisión y alquiler. Atlantic Kite trabaja sólo con primeras marcas y material de última generación. Cuenta con el apoyo de la marca F-one en cometas y es centro oficial de test de las tablas Woodboard. In Atlantic Kite (Spain) we teach adults and kids. No restrictions, everybody can learn. Our method and our instructors will introduce you to kitesurfing so easily that in a few days you will be kiting. Try a course with our school, we are sure your life will change! We have more than 10 years’ experience teaching kitesurfing to beginners and turning them into advanced kiters, always in a fast and safe way and of course having fun. In our courses we only use the best gear, in perfect condition and with the best intuitive and easy safety systems. We offer single day courses so you can discover what kitesurfing is as well as multiple day courses so you can be an independent rider when you finish.



    LOCKSMITH ORIHUELA COSTALocksmith Orihuela Costa Union, locksmiths in Orihuela Costa with fastest urgent assistance in Orihuela Costa. We serve your needs in Orihuela Costa and surroundings. We arrived in a maximum of 20 minutes after the notice to our professional locksmithsPROFESSIONAL LOCKSMITHSWith more than 15 years experience guaranteed our locksmith service. At Orihuela Costa locksmith we ensure the well-being of all our clients and work well done. Our mission is to guarantee the safety and solve the urgencies of all our clients in the shortest possible time, minimizing damage and avoiding the breakages.We ensure a clean and safe job.ALL TYPES OF DOORSAt LockSmith Orihuela Costa we open all types of doors and locks, from the simplest interior doors of the home to armored doors of home and business. We also open vehicle locks.Locksmith Orihuela Costa 24 hours.Locksmith Orihuela Costa Union is the number one company in the market thanks to the satisfaction of our customers and the quality of our work.Our products are manufactured with elements of the best brands and our services are the most satisfactory in Orihuela Costa and its surroundings, that is why we are the preferred by all those who need an urgent attention to your locksmithing needs or openings, since we offer a A care to the public, diligent and friendly, we are your solution 24 hours a day.Our rates are adjusted to the needs of each client, therefore our prices are extremely low compared to the quality we pr



    Amuzalva S.L. has strived to outdo itself through continuous research which has led to a superior product and the widest variety of stuffed olives on the market today. Included in our selection are olives stuffed with roquefort, garlic, almonds, hot pepper, lemon, fine herbs, and the traditional anchovies or pepper paste. With sales in more than 30 countries, we can say that we add something special to the tables of the world. Drawing from a wealth of experience of four generations, and backed by the latest technology, the company constantly conducts tests to widen its range of stuffed olives. Our manufacturing plant , which houses one of the most advanced packaging and processing lines in Spain, is located in Almendralejo .



    Alufase has its origin in Termiser, a company founded in 1980 in Madrid, Spain, and which dedicates to renting and selling aluminum scaffolding and elevating work platforms. In 1999, Termiser´s stockholders changed. Its new owners decided to carry out important investments and the company started to expand nationally. After having accumulated more than 25 years of experience with Termiser in renting aluminum scaffolding and having one of the largest fleets in Europe, we decided to face a new challenge in 2003: Why not manufacture the best aluminum scaffolding in the market by using our experience in the field? That is how ALUFASE became a manufacturer of aluminum alloy scaffolding. Over the years, we have researched the market needs at the same time that we have continued using products from our own fleet. This has allowed us to develop a fully innovative product which will certainly meet your expectations. In order to achieve this, we also put our facilities of more than 215, 000 square feet at your disposal plus our factory, which is located along with our headquarters in Madrid. We also include our 12 branches in Spain´s twelve most important cities and our three international delegations in USA and Chile. From the CEO: “Since we undertook this challenge, we have opted for excellence in service, knowing that in the end everything is down to safety and trust”.

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